Monday, April 2, 2012


It takes no small amount of driving skill and courage to negotiate the freeways of Southern California.  The flow of traffic bounces back and forth between two extremes at any time of day: either eighty miles an hour or creeping parking lot.  Lane changes happen in a blink of the eye and only require an opening the length of two cars.  Timing is everything and missing an exit or connector ramp condemns a driver to a labyrinth of misery.
For many newcomers to the Southland driving challenge, just getting on to the freeway is an overwhelming obstacle.  There appear to be no gaps among the onrushing cars to enter the freeway.  One can’t count on other drivers to yield to the freeway entrant…it is up to the entering driver to match the speed of his or her car with the flow of traffic and merge.  SoCal drivers expect and respect the driver who has the confidence to merge.  With the confidence to merge, the rest of freeway driving begins to become pretty easy.
It works the same way when it comes to Walking by the Spirit.  It is a matter of merging one’s life with the “flow” of the Holy Spirit.  Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.  (Philippians 2:12-13 ESV)
         The confidence that the Holy Spirit is at work in a believer comes from merging.  While it is an AWESOME and TERRIFYING truth that the Holy Spirit (God Himself!) lives in and with the believer, it is the very same Spirit’s will and work that makes it possible to live life by the Spirit.  The response of the believer is to merge head, heart, soul, and body to the “flow” of the will and work of the Spirit so that the believer will be in the will of God (His good pleasure).
         What then, must a believer do to merge his or her life with the “flow” of the Holy Spirit?
         More to come!

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