Thursday, April 26, 2012

It's About Relationship

   There have been four questions asked in the last two weeks that focus on the matters of the Holy Spirit’s indwelling, baptism, and filling.  Those questions were: What needs to be done when a believer “leaks?”  How does the Holy Spirit confirm the believer’s true identity?  What helps believers continue to be the proper and fitting place for the Lord to indwell?  What can a believer do when they don’t feel so valuable to the Lord?
   The answer is the same for all four questions.  It is about personal relationship.
   It is not uncommon among believers to think “relationship” when it comes to a personal connection with Jesus.  Because of His humanity, it is much easier to see Him as possessing all the characteristics to which one can relate as a human being.  The mere fact that He calls believers “friends” (John 15:15) gives a very human perspective to the way a believer relates to Jesus.  Having that same kind of connection with the Holy Spirit—or even as some refer to Him—the “Holy Ghost,” is very difficult to grasp with head and heart. (Most everyone thinks of ghosts as very scary, not what one wants in a friendship!)
   Yet, building a relationship with the Holy Spirit is the essence of Life by the Spirit.  So when a believer “leaks”, it is the relationship with the Spirit that provides the “refilling.”  It is the relationship with the Spirit that God looks to as being the “seal” that a believer belongs to the Lord (Ephesians 1:13).  It is the life-long work of conviction and instruction of the Holy Spirit that transforms the believer to be in a relationship with the God of Universe.  And it is through relationship with the Spirit of God that a believer can have the undeniable assurance that he or she belongs to the Lord.  
   For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.  For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!”
The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, (Romans 8:14-16 ESV)
    The Bible says that the Word is the Spirit of God (Ephesians 6:17).  When feeling empty, unsure about one’s status with Jesus, anxious about the future, or distant from the Lord…open up the Bible and read.  Think of the Bible as a love letter from one who is committed to you no matter what.  How does it feel and what happens in your heart because of hearing from that person? Let that emotion happen in the relationship with the Holy Spirit—allow the love of the Spirit to overwhelm you, comfort, strengthen and encourage you.
    Relationship—it’s the wonder of the Spirit’s indwelling and the joy of His filling.

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