Monday, April 23, 2012

Estimated Value

An amazing treasure came from Eastern Washington.  Actually, it came right out of Cougville!  Check out this link from the popular show on PBS, “Antique’s Roadshow,” for the highest valuated item the show had seen to that date.

What made that painting so valuable?  The frame?  The Grand Coulee Dam scene?  The personal note on the back?  The style of the painting?  To be sure, all those elements add value to the artwork.  Ultimately, the half million-dollar (or more!) insurance value is because of the signature of the artist.  Because of the influence and achievements of Clyfford Still, a simple house-warming gift becomes a treasure of immense value.  (It makes one regret getting rid of the fish platter wedding gift!)

Such is the “signature” of the Holy Spirit that one receives at the moment of salvation.  Through His indwelling and filling, the Holy Spirit begins creating a piece of “art” of immense and eternal value.  And just as the paintings of Clyfford Still reveal his distinctive style, by the Holy Spirit’s transforming power, He produces definitive characteristics that identify a person as one of the Spirit’s own.  These character qualities are most commonly known as, “The Fruit of the Spirit.”  But the fruit of the Spirit islove, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. (Galatians 5:22-23 ESV)

The first three are qualities of a mind and heart reflecting a reconciled relationship with the Lord.  Once receiving Jesus, the believer also receives the Lord’s love, joy and peace.

The second three qualities give definition to the transformation of the believer’s relationship with others.  Patience, kindness and goodness towards others paint a distinct identity of belonging to Christ.

The last three virtues—faithfulness, gentleness and self-control—define the transformation of how the believer is to be within his or herself.

Living Life By The Spirit is ultimately about His work to bring about these qualities within each believer.  These works of the Spirit’s “art” are produced over a lifetime, and like a Clyfford Still painting, they become more valuable as the years come and go.

Here’s a challenge: ask someone close to you—someone who loves you, but will be candid with you—if they see one or more of the nine qualities in your life.  Hopefully, the person will see clear evidence of all the Spirit’s fruit…but even if they see just the tiniest amount of any of the nine in you as a believer, be assured that the Spirit dwells in you and you are a priceless, eternal treasure.

What can a believer do when they don’t feel so valuable to the Lord?

More to come!

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