Thursday, May 24, 2012


   Life has all kinds of challenges that require courage.  Marriage, child-raising, travel, being self-employed, moving to a new city, taking a stand for what’s right, helping a person in need, all have hair-raising, “this feels out of control,” moments. The really brave person, however, is the believer who submits to the will of the Lord and lives by the Spirit. Courage is needed, not just for a certain moments, but moment-by-moment when Living by The Holy Spirit.
   What the Spirit requires is also what the Spirit provides!  When facing threats, it is the Holy Spirit’s guidance that provides resolute determination and courage.  This truth is illustrated several times in The Acts of the Apostles.  Most people just know the book as Acts, looking past the history of what the Holy Spirit did, and focusing only on what the Apostles did.  But what the Apostles did was only possible because of what the Holy Spirit did (Indeed, a more accurate title for the book could be: The Acts of Holy Spirit through the lives of the Apostles).
   One of the times that an Apostle needed courage was when Paul came to the gut-wrenching moment of leaving the leaders of the church in Ephesus.  He realized that he would not see these men whom he loved again this side of death.  In the moment of need, the Holy Spirit guided him.
    And now, behold, I am going to Jerusalem, constrained by the Spirit, not knowing what will happen to me there, except that the Holy Spirit testifies to me in every city that imprisonment and afflictions await me.  (Acts 20:22-23 ESV)
    The word “constrained” carries the meaning of compelled or restricted.  Paul, then, submitted to this control of the Holy Spirit over his life, even in knowing it would take him into difficulty and trouble.   Because he was indwelled and filled with the Holy Spirit, blessed with the Spirit’s guidance, there’s no hint of fear in the Apostle’s words.
    But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.  (Acts 20:24 ESV)
   What was true then is true now.  Believer’s can count on receiving courage from the Spirit especially when the guidance of the Holy Spirit leads a believer to terrifying situations and every day challenges.  Since marriage isn’t for the fainted-hearted, God provides believers with the presence and direction of the Holy Spirit.  Because parenting isn’t for cowards—believers can have the wisdom of the Spirit.  And in the battle against ruler and authorities in unseen places, the Spirit’s power and guidance wins the struggle.
   Believers can be courageous because the Holy Spirit provides and guides.  
   More to come!

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